I speak to many players each day. A majority of them have never played overseas. About half of those want it REALLY bad, and the other half is waiting to be discovered, looking for shortcuts and not committing to the grind.
Who knows how many of the players that contact me will actually play overseas? There are so many factors that would have to go right for that to happen. Those that do make it will be a small fraction…that is a fact.
So what if your dream of playing overseas never comes true? What will you do? The world will not stop moving just because you didn’t make it overseas. Bills still have to be paid and mouths will still need to be fed. Uncle Sam wants his cut as well.
If you are reading this right now, chances are that you have gained some sort of information that you never knew before from me personally, my podcast or Instagram page. Use that to help someone else! Just because YOU don’t make it, doesn’t mean you can’t help someone else to make it. You probably didn’t have enough information necessary to achieve your goals from the start. Give someone else a head start.
Passing on knowledge or information can also be in the form of coaching. Probably all of you have come across a coach in your life that positively influenced you. Be that coach for someone else. Volunteer at your old high school, or the rec leagues. Of course, you will need a normal 9-5 to pay the bills and feed the mouths, but I am pretty sure if you were thinking about playing overseas, you have some level of talent and knowledge of the game.
They say the best coaches should be coaching in youth basketball. Motivate the next generation of players. With the knowledge you have gained, you can surely help a player get to the next level. I hear time and time again from players I consult that they wish I had been around earlier because the things they learned from me could have potentially changed the trajectory of their careers. Why can’t you be that for someone else?
Just as I mentioned before, Just because YOU didn’t make it, doesn’t mean you can’t help someone else to make it!