The Crucial Rule For Managing Your Visa

While playing professionally overseas, one of the most critical aspects to manage is your visa. Ultimately, this is YOUR responsibility. Not your agent, nor the team. Of course the team should manage the situation, but you need to be informed and know the rules of your stay overseas. Key Takeaways: Never overstay your visa expiration […]

Maintaining Work-Life Harmony As A Pro Hooper Overseas

Overseas hoopers face unique challenges. In this blog post, I will explore practical strategies and valuable insights to help hoopers excel on and off the court, while finding harmony in their careers and personal lives. Prioritize Self-Care Your well-being is the foundation of your success. Prioritize self-care by incorporating healthy habits into your routine. Proper […]

The Impact of Your Social Media Feed on Your Professional Basketball Career

As an overseas basketball consultant, I understand the importance of presenting yourself in the best possible light to teams and agents. One aspect that often gets overlooked is the influence of your social media feed. In this blogpost, I will explain why your social media presence matters and provide tips on how to make it […]

Player Empowerment: Negotiating The Terms in Agent/Player Contracts

In the world of professional basketball, players are often represented by agents who negotiate contracts on their behalf. But what about the contracts between the agent and the player? Is the player able to negotiate terms or does the player have no right to indicate that some terms are not beneficial to him/her? While these […]

Why Securing A Contract Overseas Is Harder Than Ever

In the ever-evolving world of overseas basketball, aspiring Gap Year players and Rookies are facing an increasingly uphill battle in securing contracts. The player market has become fiercely competitive, with a multitude of factors making it increasingly challenging. Here are some reasons… 1. A Flood of Talent: As the allure of playing overseas has grown […]

Navigating Player Termination Without An Agent: The Challenges

Facing termination from a team in overseas basketball is a difficult situation for any player. However, the challenges become even more pronounced when the player does not have an agent by their side. Let’s explore some of the specific challenges they may face: 1. Limited knowledge of contractual obligations: Without an agent, players may have […]

Injury Buyout Negotiations-Without An  Agent

If a player does not have an agent to represent them in negotiations when they are injured and unable to finish the season, they may face several challenges and potential disadvantages: 1. Limited knowledge and experience: Negotiating contracts and dealing with injury-related issues can be complex and require a deep understanding of the basketball industry. […]

The Top 5 Myths About Playing Professional Overseas Basketball

Playing professional basketball overseas is an enticing opportunity for many aspiring athletes. However, several misconceptions surround this path that can mislead players and affect their decision-making process. I hope to debunk the top five myths about playing professional overseas basketball in order for you to make informed decisions about your career. Myth 1: Overseas basketball […]

Rookies-Navigating The Adjustments of Overseas Life

Hi Teammates! Especially for you European Rookies, I would like to offer guidance and encouragement as you navigate the inevitable challenges that come with adjusting to life in a new country. It’s time to embrace the difficulty, acknowledge your strength, and find solace in knowing that you are not alone on this incredible journey. I […]

Life After Retirement: What Former Basketball Players Miss the Most

With the newest overseas season quickly approaching, there may be some of you that will be not coming back because you have decided to retire and move on with your life. Retiring from professional basketball can be a bittersweet experience for most hoopers. While you may look forward to a new chapter in your life, […]